Rare, but weak rape revenge
6 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Psycho, slasher who is a pervert on top of that. He sit's in his house all day looking at naked women in magazines and goes to the strip club at nights. He becomes obsessed with this one dancer and get's his gun and takes her hostage. He's already killed one lady and stuffed her in the trunk of his car. He show's the captive stripper (dancer) the dead body and tells her to start dancing like at the club or she'll die just like the dead woman. When she dances for him she never strips any clothes off at all. He always rapes her during her dancing, and they never show any of it at all on camera, none. You just get to see her depressed look on her face afterwords and him talking junk to himself like he does thru the whole film. The dude really is bonkers. He steals a new car for them to travel in and expects her to be happy with him, even after she's been taken captive, forced to travel the countryside, and raped repeatedly by this total stranger, madman. One day after raping her in a motel he tells her he doesn't have to put up with her not loving him, and he won't stand for it...he's leaving! He goes outside and gets in his car to leave before realizing he doesn't want to leave after all. He wants to hurt the girl some more instead. But she's long gone when he returns. She's gone back to her strip club job in town and He's soon to follow. When she spots him in the audience watching her dance, she slips off to the side of the stage and get's herself a sawed-off shot gun and blows his Axx away in his seat. Twice. Review by: "J" w/ KandJHorror.com
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