12 horas (2001)
10 March 2005
Wow this movie really lowered the standard of what a bad movie is... every element of this "film" sucked. Crappy writing, bad acting, not even the pronunciation was good, bad sound, bad music, terrible editing and above all terrible directing... And to think that this movie cost $500,000.00 just really wants to make me vomit because Puerto Rico has real actors, real directors and real screenwriters who could have made three great movies with half a million... This film is just a shame and it is the worst movie I have ever seen. "Dude, where's my car?" actually looks like "The Godfather" when compared to this. The movie didn't even respect it's audience enough to at least have the sound in sync with the image. The stories do not make sense, the characters are not developed and the film (if it can be called a film) goes nowhere. It ends on the same note in which it began and in the end you just have to ask yourself, why? If you love bad movies then "12 horas" is for you, it was so bad that the razzies even overlooked it.
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