Finally On DVD!! If You Love The Genre, You'll Love This
12 March 2005
Brilliant re-mastering of a childhood favorite. All of the painstaking detail of the original miniature work can once again be clearly seen, especially if you have a digital-ready TV. Gone are the days of the lousy prints, garbled sound track, and comical dubbing!! Even the models -- the flying saucers, planes, tanks, the dome -- as well as the "big kahuna" himself (i.e. Mogera) come across as more vivid and life-like than ever. Watching it took me back 45 years, glued to my seat today just as it was when I saw it in theatrical release in my adolescence. Akira Ifukube's stirring score, which stands alone quite well as an orchestral piece, has been brilliantly restored (in Dolby 5.1 no less). It sounds wonderful. The English dubbing is entirely new, but to be honest, I found it nearly as inane, but not so nearly endearing, as the original. The dubbing of the early Toho Sci-Fi flicks was so bad it was great, and was in fact one of the things that attracted many (myself included) to the genre. Not so here. I ended up watching it in the original Japanese, with English subtitles. Much better. This release contains all of scenes that were cut from the original U.S. release -- such as, the second Mogera getting clobbered by a falling Markalite as it attempts to emerge from underground. Like I said, if you love the genre, you're gonna love this!!!
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