Review of Ronin

Ronin (1998)
Good action flick helped by some outstanding acting.
17 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm surprised how underrated this film is. I thought it was one of the better action movies of recent years. DeNiro and Reno had a great chemistry, and some of the chase sequences, especially the last car chase scene (one of the best filmed/coordinated I've ever seen). The supporting actors were great, there were plenty of devious double-crosses and the like as well.

The basic plot is as follows: There is a group (presumably IRA) which is looking to steal something important. They hire a group of criminals/ex-operatives to do a job in return for exorbitant pay. DeNiro's character (Sam) is mysterious,although he seems to be some sort of ex-operative. Needless to say his true origins do not become clear until much later in the film. The remainder of the gang members also have shady backgrounds. They are tasked with finding a specific package which their employing shadow group covets. However, once they have the package, greed takes over and the group begins to break down as order and allegiances quickly dissolve. What results is some compelling action, as Skaarsgard (Gregor) turns out to be DeNiro's antithesis, another ex-operative from the other side. As I mentioned before, the camera-work in the chase scene is outstanding, and as far as I know, very original. I have never seen anything like it before or since.

I thought it was a highly entertaining movie, and, well I'm a huge DeNiro fan. If you're in the mood for an entertaining crime film with a twist or three, then go rent this. You won't be disappointed.
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