Compelling and Thoroughly Gripping
18 March 2005
This is a compelling and gripping film. The plot is strong and intelligent and it develops very well. At its most obvious, it is an interesting exploration of how people and society can become obsessed with money and how this obsession can take over a person and lead to tragedy.

It also deals with a theme, less obvious, of how one's own choices can change one's life and how one can, out of one's own doing, bring about either one's own salvation or one's own destruction. The main character is constantly faced with choices and it is his decision each time that moves the plot along. He repeatedly is faced with a decision that could radically alter the outcome, leading to salvation or deeper into tragedy. The film is all the more fascinating because, aside from the money, there are essentially no outside forces working on the main character, the outside forces bring only choices that he must face and each time it is entirely within his power to choose either way. He essentially chooses his own fate every time leading himself all on his own down the path of trouble.

The film is expertly crafted, with great cinematography, directing, plot development, and acting. As a result, it is extremely compelling and convincing, and the characters are real, evoking strong empathy, sympathy, understanding, anger, and frustration. The film grips one so much that I didn't relax a muscle throughout the whole thing, as I was enveloped in the tension of the film, even though it is not "action-packed" at all.

Moreover, the film convincingly shows how a "normal" person, basically honest but uptight about money already, might react to an event like this. It beautifully portrays the way the fear and uncertainty over his decision in such a chance event eat away at the main character, gradually pushing him deeper to a mental and emotional breaking point, and eroding his very sanity. The film portrays this breakdown wonderfully.

This is a movie that is so effective and powerful that it stays with the viewer long after it's over.
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