Very Cool
19 March 2005
I happened upon this movie on TV while channel surfing with my boy one Saturday morning. At first I thought it was a kids' show, but after a few minutes I realized, this is way too good for a kids' show. It turned out to be a feature-length movie, and I was impressed.

There were Ninja fights, sword fights, gun fights, ground battles, rooftop battles, air battles, and it all jumped from one scene to another in a seamless flow of action.

I also noticed that there was character behind it all. The characters, though their motivations may have been one-dimensional, were actually believable in their pursuits of them, and that's exceptional for kids' entertainment these days. They were somewhat unique as well, fighting over the radio on the the way to a battle and such. It made it interesting to watch.

Afterward, I went to the computer and just had to write about it. I thought it was very cool. The guys who are complaining about it must have seen a totally different movie. At least it seems that way to me.
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