Fair game, albeit outdated. Terrible acting.
29 March 2005
The release of this game was delayed by at least two years, I believe due to the purchase of Westwood Games by Elecronic Arts, though I am not sure of that. Teaser trailers for the game Tiberian Sun have been included on Westwood Games for literally YEARS before they finally released it.

As a result, the game was outdated the minute it was released. The graphics are sub-par compared to other games released in the same time frame. Ironically, Tiberian Sun was released AFTER Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2, and RA2's graphics and game mechanics are largely superior.

The voice acting...uh...I've never been really impressed with Kane but his appearances in this are less impressive than his 5 second appearance in the first Red Alert. And wow, Michael Biehn is completely bad. I thought he was solid in Aliens, but...his career hasn't skyrocketed and I can see why (Adventure, Inc? GAG). Even James Earl Jones doesn't really spice it up much. I heard they filmed the video sequences over the course of about two weeks...I guess it shows.

I guess I'm a bit jaded, as well. I'm a big fan of games that have the characters talk to YOU as if you're the actual commander, as they have in the original Command and Conquer and Red Alerts. This is not done for some reason in Tiberian Sun---it's also notable that in the expansion for this game, Firestorm, they return to treating the player as an involved character.

Overall, fair plot, fair game play, average graphics, rotten video.
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