Growing Up Gotti (2004–2005)
The show I love to hate
29 March 2005
I am constantly amazed when I watch this show. Although I commend Victoria for voicing her opinion concerning the value of education and hard work, it is none-the-less hypocritical how she enjoys such a luxurious lifestyle afforded her by members of her family who clearly do not value these same characteristics.

I saw an interview with her several years ago and I was somewhat appalled at the fact that Victoria entertains no notion that her father could possibly have been anything other than just a legitimate businessman. I guess the family business is just the business of the family, never to be hinted at or acknowledged in any way. How would Victoria explain the evidence that the government piled up regarding her father's "legitimate business"? How does she explain the death of the neighbor who accidentally hit her brother Frank with his car? Much like the scene in Godfather II where the senator is speaking to Michael and he tells him how much disdain he has for people like him who put themselves out as legitimate hard working Americans, instead of what they really are. I agree, I hate their whole parade. Victoria's love for her father is fine, I don't fault her there, but her denial of what he was is ridiculous. I love all of the members of my family as well, that doesn't mean that I think all of them are without fault. Her ex-husband is whole nother story which I won't even touch.

Victoria also doesn't seem to acknowledge any connection between her success as a writer and her family name. Although I don't find her to be a stupid woman, she definitely doesn't exhibit the skill of countless other writers. She writes for a tabloid now, enough said. Also, am I the only one who notices how when she gives her little interviews on the show she constantly re-words her sentences as she speaks and interjects little sayings that are just slightly off? She definitely has some issues with wanting to project intelligence which, she doesn't seem to have. And while I'm at it, let's be honest, the only reason she has the show is because of who she is with regard to her family.

Her kids are interesting. I understand that they take their educations very seriously which is again commendable, but they're definitely spoiled. But hey, I know a lot of kids who are and I'm sure I am to a certain extent so I can't really throw stones. I just hope that they don't walk around with the same illusions that their mother has about what a "great" man their grandfather was.

I saw Victoria give somebody a diatribe about how people judge her and think they know who she is, and I think she's right, I guess we really don't know who she is. But in the end, I really don't care. I don't think Victoria knows who she is, much like John Rockefeller Jr. didn't know who he was other than his father's, John D. Rockefeller, son. She'll forever live in the shadow of her family's name, by no fault of her own.
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