Velocity Trap (1999)
Another bunch of yahoos who think they can write science fiction!
31 March 2005
I have by now resigned myself to the fact that cinematic science fiction is almost always inferior to the written version (witness "Starship Trooper(s)"), but the geniuses who made this monstrosity seem to think that all you need to make a science fiction film are special effects, a formulaic plot, and gobble-de-gook dialog. No actual SCIENCE needs to appear anywhere in the story. This is fantasy, not science fiction. It's no more scientific than "Lord of the Rings" or "Merlin."

The writers are also lazy. The story opens in the "Devos 3 System." Normally, this type of nomenclature would mean the third planet from a star called "Devos." There is no star named "Devos," but the writers are apparently too lazy to look up a real star. Later, the story shifts to a "moon" that is "7.5 light years" from Earth. A moon of what planet? A planet around what star? There is no star 7.5 LY from earth. Again, why not just take a minute or two to look up a real star and use that? (Wolf 359 is about 7.75 LY from here.)

This film seems to be aimed at underachieving ten-year-olds (most of the ten-year-olds I've met know that explosions can't be heard in a vacuum.) If you don't fit into this narrow demographic, skip this movie. Rent "Battlefield Earth" instead- at least Travolta's travesty can be viewed by adults as unintentional comedy.

And if you're looking for real science fiction and not just fantasy, try your local book store.
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