S10 Reviews: Entrails of a Virgin (1986)
3 April 2005
Kazuo Komizu directs "Entrails of a Virgin", a soft core flick. A group of perverted photographers and easy models wrap up their shoot and head home. They take refuge in an abandoned or under-construction building when a ghastly fog creeps in and makes it impossible to continue. Well they make the best of it by getting drunk and doing the things slimy perverts trapped in an abandoned location do, TOPLESS WRESTLING. Not to mention other acts of debauchery. Enter the "Chubb Monster", a creature with a monster in his pants. All sorts of mayhem ensue: impalings, beheadings, monster rapes and a girl masturbating with a severed arm. You know, your typical day at the office.

This low-grade sleaze fest has quite a reputation but like most films that due, is pretty unwarranted. True there is plenty kinky sex and some OK gore effects but the story is about non-existent (the 'Chubb Demon" appears out of nowhere and spouts such woe-is-me dialogue which I guess makes for interesting pillow-talk in this case but little else.
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