Review of Tempted

Tempted (2003 TV Movie)
I have seen better, but Jason Mamoa kept my attention(his son was kinda cute too)
6 April 2005
I did not think it was awful, it was not one of the better Lifetime movies, I agree with that. Just looking at Jason Mamoa made it all worthwhile(He is better looking than: Matthew Mcanahay(I know it is spelled wrong),Brad Pitt, Val Kilmer and Keanu Reeves put together.He is SOOOOOOOOOO SEXY.Let me also add Patrick Swayze and SLy to that list, I also enjoyed seeing the chic that was the main character in CANDYMAN play a romantic part.Are there any other movies that he is in worth watching?Please let me know he is an angel to look at.I know he was the bomb in Baywatch.I wanted to see some sex scenes.Dang...Maybe next time ladies!
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