Columbo: Requiem for a Falling Star (1973)
Season 2, Episode 5
Hit and Miss Columbo
7 April 2005
  • As you may, or may not, know, giving away the killer's identity in a Columbo movie is not a spoiler. You discover who the killer is ten minutes into the movie. In this episode, an aging star (Anne Baxter) feels like she's in a desperate situation. Her secretary for 18 years is leaving her to marry a reporter who has dirt on her. She's afraid that the secretary may reveal even more about her personal life. She does the only thing she can come up with to get out of the situation. She goes to the reporter's house and pours gasoline in the garage. Just as his car enter, she strikes a match and . . . well you get the picture.

  • I've seen a lot of Columbo's movies and this one has its strong points and its weak points. I really enjoyed the mystery in this one. There's really more to it than initially meets the eye. I found the story to be very engaging. It's definitely one of the deeper Columbo movies I've seen so far. In most of these movies, Columbo spots the killer right off the bat and hounds them until they crack. Because of the complexities of the case, Columbo picks the wrong suspect. It's a nice change of pace.

  • The weak points - Columbo himself. In a lot of these movies, you'll see Columbo gush over a suspect, but it's usually to get information. Here, he seems genuinely star-struck by Anne Baxter. That's not Columbo! He's always under control and using everything to his advantage. Usually, every little movement he makes, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is all part of his grand scheme to catch the killer. Not here. We get to see Columbo act like a fool and for no real reason whatever.
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