Out of Joint (2004)
A short that everyone can enjoy...finally!
14 April 2005
Unlike the hardcore/juvenile stuff that litters a lot of the "twisted" animation festivals out there, Out of Joint is an amusing little romp built around a simple idea. Wrapped in quintessential British cheeky humor, the short delights not only in storyline but in character design. Done in flash, the two main characters are very likable and have a sweet relationship. The "male" of the couple is desperate because he lacks a nose. His partner stands by her man, eventually helping him get over his insecurities. One could read deeper into this dynamic-- how women are the ones who have to continually prop up a man's ego--but that's not the point. I won't spoil the ending for those who haven't seen it, but Peter Peake delivers a delightful twist leaving you with a good laugh and smile.
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