Saturday Night Live (1975– )
Enough already!!! Pull the plug!!!
14 April 2005
Is NBC ever going to give this show a mercy killing? Dying with dignity is out of the picture now. It just needs to go. The initial cast was funny, and the casts of the early nineties with Adam Sandler, Chris Farley (God rest his soul) and the like had their moments. But the magic is long since gone. The opening monologues/dialogues by the flavors of the month celebrities are as painfully contrived as ever, and it just goes downhill from there. If, on the rare occasion, a writer stumbles upon something a little funny, plan on them milking that teat dry until it is painfully unfunny. I guess they do it so it will match the consistency of the rest of the show. This seems to be a Lorne Michaels trademark.

Seems like the only use for SNL any more is to churn out moderately funny comics for Hollywood to pimp out for three or four movies until the public catches on that they're not funny (like Chris Kattan, Rob Schneider, Dana Carvey ... need I go on?). Outside of the first cast there has been some talent to go through SNL, but with places like Comedy Central and more people watching HBO, who needs SNL any more? Is it worth desecrating the memory of the few good years? I can't imagine anyone really watching this poor excuse for sketch comedy for it's comedic value. The only people I can even conceive of watching this disaster for more than five minutes are those who are easily entertained, don't have cable (which is barely an excuse), or watch it out of some strange allegiance for NBC, SNL or Lorne Michaels.

Maybe someone down at NBC will finally pull the plug on this shell of a show. Until then I guess the world will have to put up with atrocious SNL skits stretched into two-hour silver screen disasters and that one supremely annoying co-worker who starts every Monday with, "Hey, did you see Saturday Night Live this week? They made fun of ..."
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