Review of Darklight

Darklight (2004 TV Movie)
As good As this kind of thing gets...
15 April 2005
Citizen Kane...No.

But let's be honest here, we all know these films are produced on a shoestring, under ridiculously tight deadlines, probably in some foreign country... as far as the low budget original Sci Fi Channel Features go, this is head and shoulders the best I've seen.

Fast paced and's a thoroughly entertaining comic-book ride.

Much more stylish, intelligent and fluid than most Sci Fi Channel fare.

In particular, I was impressed with the sharpness of the direction.

The director, Bill Platt, seems to have a real feel for the genre, and a near encyclopedic knowledge of what's come before. I found myself repeated spotting clever visual allusions to great SF films of the past.

I'm anxious to see what Mr. Platt does next. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see his name on big time features some time down the line.
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