Dead Solid Perfect (1988 TV Movie)
I worked as an extra in this movie
20 April 2005
however, when it was finally released, and I watched it, I really didn't find it all that impressive.  About the only thing really worthwhile about this movie is that there's one point where I can point to a vague bluish blur, and tell anyone else present "that's me".

  There was one thing that struck me about this movie.  I am aware of a culture within the entertainment industry that seems to think that in order to be any good, a movie has to contain a fair amount of obscene language, nudity, gratuitous sex, and other similar garbage.  In watching this movie, it seems to me that its makers felt compelled to include a certain amount of this, but that they felt that doing so would interfere with the story they were trying to tell.  So what they did was to cram as much of it as they could into about the first 15 or 20 minutes of the movie; and then — having got that out of the way — they then went on to tell the story with very little further inclusion of such material.  You could completely cut out the first 15 or 20 minutes of the movie, and not miss it; and what remains could be shown on network TV during prime time very little further editing for content.
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