Review of The Contender

The Contender (2005– )
Reality show with script!
21 April 2005
This show is so Hollywood that it just makes me wanna puke my guts out! This is not a true reality show about boxers showing their true nature and fighting their way up, this is a superficial Hollywood story, with celebrities, dramatic movie effects and just a pile of gold for whom ever playing his cards best.

I am so glad that Oscar Dela Hoya turned this project down or I would completely lose respect for him, now I respect him even more who passed on this show. I haven't seen his own reality boxing show yet, but i hear its promising since it is about real amateur boxers trying to make it and hopefully without some of the garbage we see in this show! Come on now?...whats really real about this show?...for one thing, they brought Rockey himself to this show, come on..Rocky??!!...he is an action figure, not a real champion! Its like making a show about US marines and bringing Rambo to teach them a thing or two! And then all the choreographed and faked entering by the sound of sobbing music...child shedding tears as she sees daddy getting beat up in slow motion...paid celebrities in a small audience and obvious lines from writers instead of speaking from the heart! Oh Sugar Ray...i hope the devil paid you well for your soul :p (by the way mine is also for sale for some of that Hollywood cash :p) I love good Hollywood movies and I love real boxing, so Mr. Stallone, please keep your day-job and keep up making great action movies and please...please...stop giving advice to real boxers. Thank u very much :p
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