Review of The Gorilla

The Gorilla (1939)
Bottom of the Ritz barrel
23 April 2005
This is a real stinker. And I say that as a fan of the Ritz Brothers.

It's the third filmed version of a play that must have already been stale back in the twenties. (The first is a silent, of interest only to the Charles Gillingwater fan club. The second is a very early talkie starring the vaudeville comic Joe Frisco. I haven't seen either of them, but they're in the IMDb.)

Before you descend to the low level of this disaster, I'd recommend "The Three Musketeers" or "Straight, Place and Show," which is in the rotation at TCM (in fact I'm watching it right now, having just suffered through "The Gorilla"), and which features a wonderful acting and singing performance from Ethel Merman.

Meanwhile, spare yourself this turkey, unless you enjoy wooden acting, incoherent narrative, and unfunny jokes, or you just LOOOOOOOVE the Ritz Brothers.

It barely earns a "2" from me, and only because of the fact that any movie with a guy in a gorilla suit gets extra points.
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