The most distorted version of the real facts that I have ever seen
23 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Since most of the people that are going to read this review are most likely to be American, I will summarize how I felt when I saw this movie with something you will understand.

Imagine that an independent producer decides to make a movie about the events of September 11, and in such picture, the pilots that crashed those planes on the WTC were presented as freedom fighters and the US government presented as a cancer that needs to be removed from the face of Earth. And not only that, but the rest of the world seemed to support the terrorist as well. So those "heroic men" (the ones that crashed the planes) should be in heaven now, for doing such a noble thing to bring down the government.

That is how this picture presented the real terrorist problem of Peru. If anyone really wants to know about the facts that surrounded the events regarding the hostages situation in the Japanese Embassy in Lima, they should seek for newspaper records. I suggest trying El Comercio and La Republica.
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