Ghost Ship (2002)
Too bad about those last 30 minutes.
24 April 2005
The oceans of this world still keep a lot of secrets for themselves. We are able to fly to the moon, but we don't know everything about our own planet yet. This is of course also the reason why there are so many mysterious stories and legends about ships, airplanes... that have vanished in the thin air (think of the Bermuda triangle). Is anything about those stories true? Perhaps, but probably not. But that doesn't mean of course that this can't be a good source of inspiration for a new movie.

And that's exactly what the makers of "Ghost Ship" must have thought. It's about a salvage crew that has claimed the Antonia Graza, an Italian luxury liner that has been missing since 1962 and has been floating adrift since then. But the ship isn't as uninhabited as you might expect after more than 40 years. Before they can begin repairing and towing the ghost ship towards harbor, a series of bizarre things starts to happen to the crew and they get trapped in the ship, as the prisoners of a demonic creature...

During the first hour this movie really gave me a good time. I'm not saying it was the best movie ever, but it sure was some good entertainment. The only problem was that it didn't stay with that one hour. The last thirty minutes weren't any good, making me loose much of my interest. And that's too bad, because the concept of the movie really could work. The story is nice and even though this is yet another horror movie in a series of many, it has a more original approach to offer (a ghost ship isn't something that you see in every movie). But I'm afraid they messed it up pretty bad at the end of the movie and that's why I can only give it a 6/10.
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