WCW Uncensored (1996 TV Special)
Watch the first 2 matches then turn this crap off.
29 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Ratings out of 10.

* Konnan vs Eddie Guerrero (7) Good match carried by Eddie's greatness. Konnan could actually wrestle before he became a "gangsta". Quality stuff despite stupid finish.

* Belfast Bruiser vs Steven Regal (6) Brutal match and I mean that in a good way. These guys beat the crap out of each other for 15 minutes. Good match with another bad finish.

* Rob Parker vs Madusa (1) Man against woman match. Watchable but totally out of place on PPV.

* Booty Man vs DDP (0) Booty Man is Ed Leslie (aka Brutus Beefcake). Nuff said. Poor DDP for getting stuck in this crap match.

* The Giant vs Loch Ness (0) Note to Loch Ness: When you make The Giant look agile it's time to find another line of work.

* Road Warriors vs Sting & Booker T in a Chicago Street Fight (4) 30 minutes of clotheslines and weak chair shots. You could tell Sting was ready for a vacation. Overlong and pointless.

* Doomsday Cage Match Hogan & Savage vs Flair, Arn, Luger, Taskmaster, Meng, Barbarian, Zeus & some fat white guy (0) Probably the worst PPV main event of all time. 25 minutes of pure, unwatchable crap. Hogan had to turn heel after this just to save his career.
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