Evil Cat (1987)
yet another entertaining Jing Wong film
30 April 2005
Every 50 years a cat demon has to be killed by a Cheung family member until the body-hopping feline demon's 9 lives are up. This time it falls on the shoulders of Master Cheung (Chia-Liang Liu). He is afraid of cancer killing him before he can stop the demonic force, so when Long (Mark Cheng) comes to him after his boss (Staurt Ong) gets possessed, he tries teaching him his family's Mao Shan magic hoping to pass it onto him since Cheung's bloodline stops with himself. "Evil Cat" is just pure schlocky fun and a nice way to spend a rainy afternoon. A lot of people seem to have issues with Writer Jing Wong and accuse him of just being a hack, recycling Hollywood films, and blah blah blah. Who cares he makes pretty good films ("Magnificent Butcher", "Seventh Curse", "Ghost Snathers", "Royal Tramp", "The Duel" as well as numerous others are still all highly enjoyable) I could give a toss if they're derivative.

My Grade: B-

DVD Extras: Just a Theatrical Trailer (that gives away WAY too much DON'T watch it before the film itself)
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