It COULD have been good
3 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
But, it wasn't. The makeup on the ghouls was great, what little we see of them. Nothing really happens in this movie. It's filled with cheap scares that never amount to anything. And it ends just as lame. Nothing happens. It's a real shame because the characterization was good. The relationship of the brothers was believable. Both actors did a great job on that. The acting was good all around. But absolutely nothing really happens. The kid wasn't crazy and he wasn't making it up, but the ghouls don't actually do much. It's really not a movie I would recommend. There are much better ones out there. I'd have to say the script was at fault, or the production team didn't realize that you can make a PG13 movie that is scary where stuff really happens. There really wasn't any story. Two brothers home alone at night. The younger one is scared of the dark. He swears there are monsters in the dark that attack him and want to eat him. The older brother doesn't believe him until the end. But it's still a lame ending that could have been good. As it stands, don't waste your time or money on this.
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