Great with a few exceptions
15 May 2005
Okay, first off, when you decide to see a movie like this there are a few things you want. Great special effects, a storyline that just makes sense, some good fight scenes, and believable enough acting that you can still enjoy it and stay into it. I'm not giving anything away, no spoilers, but when Blade meets up with the "main bad guy" this time around, they keep having these little standoffs where nobody starts anything and the guy takes off for no reason. Supposedly he's so much tougher and stronger and whatever than Blade, but every time they have a little "chat", he runs away like a little girl like he's afraid to fight. As much of a bad-ass as the other characters make him out to be, this just makes the whole movie silly. Then we have the acting. Parker Posey and Triple H (both vampires) are the worst...and that's surprising. Parker Posey is a pretty decent actress, and her first couple of scenes come off pretty well, but after that she seems pretty campy. Triple H must have been hired when they found out Tyler Mane wasn't available. This may sound sad, but the wrestler who also starred as Sabretooth in X-Men 1 & 2 and an oil rig hand in Joe Dirt - and was actually pretty convincing in his roles - was, when compared to Triple H was like comparing Tom Hanks to Pauly Shore. He was awful. If I made sock puppets, they would be more convincing as big scary mean vampires than Triple H was. Really. The friend I watched it with won't watch anything but action, horror, etc., no drama or "good cinema" for him (even hates Hotel Rwanda, even with all the blood and violence), and he even thought Triple H was terrible. The rest of the storyline was a bit stock, i.e. going after all the supporting characters to create some scary scenes...it wasn't bad, but mostly reminded me of most other action/horror/suspense movies I've seen. So we're left with the fight scenes and special effects. Awesome. Tons of cool moves that make you sit up and stare, all kinds of wildness. Definitely worth watching, if for no other reason than to finish out the series. The movie as a whole wasn't as good as the other two - by far - but the addition of the Nightstalkers (for comic fans, a good thing!) and Ryan Reynolds' character (very funny and a nice surprise since I was never impressed by his supposedly "serious" roles) make this a fun little ride. Not great cinema, with a few "what the heck were they thinking?" moments, but still really cool for at least one or two viewings.
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