A fun little adventure for children and their parents.
16 May 2005
This is a great movie that both my children watched extensively as toddlers. It has good messages for kids, as all Winnie the Pooh cartoons do, and the animation and voice acting are top quality. It's also got some great lines that make me laugh no matter how many times I hear them.

"Look at the biceps on that bear! I'm not worthy to dangle from the same precipice." - Tigger.

"Never trust that thing between your ears. Haven't had a need for mine in years." - Rabbit.

"What's up, buddy bear?" "Piglet is up, Tigger." - Pooh, pointing a Piglet in the top of a tree.

"Jump down, Piglet! We'll catch you, likely as not!" - Tigger.

"End of the line. Nothing to do, and no hope of things getting better. Sounds like Saturday night at my house." - Eeyore.

"There's no difference between falling ten-thousand feet to the jagged rocks below, and tumbling out of bed. Except for the splat at the end, they're practically similar." - Tigger.

I find it hard to believe that people would actually criticize this movie negatively. It's a kids' movie for crying out loud. If you've got nothing better to do than watch and criticize kids' movies, you really need to get a life.

I gave it a ten. I can't think of anything that could have made it better.
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