Similar to Ridley Scott's classic
16 May 2005
Yes, this movie is similar to the classic of Ridley Scott in that.. uh... mmmm.. uh... well, in that they both have the word "Alien" in the title. After that comparisons fail.

Actually I'll rate it a 3 instead of a 1 because considering how incredibly low budget this was it there was actually a plot line that could have had potential. Unfortunately it got totally submerged to gore and sadism. Personally I'm not a fan of either of those; someone that is may rate the movie more highly.

The other big time miss was the acting, which was beyond pathetic. Megan Etheridge was pretty good, but it dropped off rather dramatically from her role. In fact so dramatically that I got the impression that a bunch of people that had too much to drink at a come as you are party just decided to make a movie that afternoon. There was not a single other remotely believable character in the script. Maybe this was all low budget tongue and cheek.

I don't really think it had a scary moment, just a few intriguing ones. Worth seeing if you like science fiction plots (although this is quite derivative there are some interesting twists), or sadism/gore. For all I know it will become some kind of cult film. It's almost so bad that it can be entertaining in that way as well.
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