Review of Dalida

Dalida (2005 TV Movie)
television product
18 May 2005
I'm a huge (huge, really huge) fan of Dalida. I was waiting with great expectation for this movie. I saw it and couldn't find anywhere the Dalida I "know". Everything is shown in fast forward, one doesn't have time to absorb everything, because suddenly you have a subtitle saying "3 years later". The actress (probably) gave her best, but wasn't enough, even forgetting the physical unresemblance, the fact that she was dubbed doesn't help her much. Couldn't they find someone who speaks french? As Italian was not needed because even with her family or Luigi Tenco, she always spoke in french (odd, don' you think?). But pay close attention to Vittoria Scognamiglio, the french voice of Dalida - it's absolutely unbelievable. She the only thing that's worth on this movie: she managed to get the right tone, accent, color... you seem your listening to Dali's talking. The rest of the cast is average: Arnaud Giovaninetti and Charles Berling are above average. It's a shame that such a great story couldn't be told in another way: with a steady pulse, with passion and not with a soap opera undertone that discarded all possibilities of making something memorable. We'll always have her story...

PartII I've seen a couple of times more these series. Although I still agree with all from the above, I have to admit that some things start to look better: Sabrina Ferilli does a remarkable effort to convey the right feelings from this tormented character. The production valus are outsatnding: sets, props and wardrobe. The choice of the songs and the original soundtrack are great. I guess I really needed to see it once more to start enjoying. I've changed my rating from 3 to 5.
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