No way to defend Fox---not about Left vs. Right, but True vs. False & Honest vs. Dishonest
20 May 2005
There is just no way to defend Fox News after seeing this movie. It's funny to read the negative comments people have posted about this film: it's obvious that those angry at the movie are already in way over their heads as far as allegiance to Fox News goes--their minds must be VERY made up, because how could you defend Fox news after seeing this movie if you were being intellectually honest with yourself? The MAIN POINT is that Fox swears up and down that they're "FAIR AND BALANCED" and this movie proves beyond ANY shadow of a doubt that they are NOT Fair and Balanced!!!

So while I would like to respect the people who still watch Fox News (I know some intelligent people who like the station, unfortunately) because they tend to agree with it (although it's hard to respect a station that is statistically proved to be the #1 news network when it comes to misleading its viewers into believing falsehoods!), I simply CANNOT respect the opinion of those reviewers who have seen this film and still try to claim that they are FAIR and BALANCED! It's interesting to note that the reviewers here who support Fox News conveniently sidestep addressing any of the facts & legitimate criticisms of the station (for example how do you account for the fact that you are more likely to believe falsehoods if you get your news primarily from Fox?!) and devote their comments to macho trash-talk. They are the type of people who love authoritarian father-figures like O'Reily & Hannity & Bush who tell them what to think and how to feel good about themselves--it makes them feel more sure of themselves (something they must desperately lack), and the instant their heroes are challenged, they stop listening, stop thinking, and begin fuming about "liberal cry-baby garbage", and other immature phrases which betray much knee-jerk reaction but little critical thought. (No wonder they like Fox so much--it specializes in specious name-calling in favor of FACTS and open, honest discussion--just watch the movie and listen to the people who used to work for the station!)

So fine, keep watching Fox News if you tend to agree with it (be forewarned you're more likely to believe things that simply are NOT true--such as WMDs being found in Iraq; there being proved links between Iraq and Al-Qaeda, etc.) or if it simply entertains you--it's not nearly so bad if you can honestly acknowledge its serious shortcomings. But if you can convince yourself that Fox News truly IS "fair & balanced", then you could probably convince yourself that 2 + 2 = 5 or whatever else those in power want you to believe.
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