Review of Coma

Coma (1978)
Decent 70's thriller
22 May 2005
While Coma isn't quite good enough to be considered a 70's classic, it's still a very decent thriller and is one that is thrilling enough to be given that name. The film draws on the fears of people doing terrible things in secret and also the idea of what goes on while you're under the anaesthetic while having an operation. The film's plot follows the mysterious goings on at a hospital after several patients slip into comas. Of course, comas are a normal occurrence at hospitals; but it's happening far too often for Dr Susan Wheeler's liking, and so she sets off to find out the truth behind what's happening. But sometimes, the truth is too difficult to take. Because of the way that the film draws it's plot, the overall atmosphere is one of paranoia; and the movie taps into this with the viewers in order to make itself interesting. Throughout the film, the audience is never really certain what's happening and the way that the film holds certain cards towards it's chest until they have to be played gives full credit to the assured plotting.

The film is typical of the seventies because of it's bulky plotting and the way that the action is forced onto the viewer. The seventies was a definite golden age for cinema, and although this isn't one of the golden films of that era; it shows that it was the golden age because even the lesser seventies films did what they set out to do, which is something that cant be said for this day and age. The acting in the movie is largely good, especially when you consider that this movie is closer to the 'b' side of cinema than it is to the 'a' side. The acting in 'b' movies often leaves a lot to desire, but I'm happy to say that isn't the case here. Geneviève Bujold, despite having roles in a few notable releases (such as De Palma's Obsession and Cronenberg's Dead Ringers) never really got noticed enough to be a star, but still does well here. Her opposite number is Michael Douglas, which despite only being a co-star really, still manages to do well with his role. On the whole, I don't recommend having high hopes for this one...but it is worth watching.
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