Lady Avenger (1988)
Wrong writer listed
25 May 2005
Will Schmitz did not write Lady Avenger, the other writer should receive sole credit. I wrote a first draft, but it has nothing do do with the product as filmed. When I saw what had been done to my material, I decided not to write films I would have no say in the making of. Needlesss to say, I have not worked on many other films and, of the ones I have, I have at least had the opportunity to have my named removed. Thus it goes in such a business. Same old song, eh? There is not much money for the writer in the low-budget end of the film industry, so you have to have been as unwise and hungry for work as I was at the time to bother. I've stuck since to writing for hire or writing what I want, and it's saved me a lot of unnecessary grief.
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