Hare Do (1949)
hare today, not gone tomorrow (or ever)
25 May 2005
Poor Elmer Fudd! He spends his entire life hunting that "wascawy wabbit" and never succeeds. In "Hare Do", Elmer chases Bugs out of the forest and into a theater. Once in the theater, Bugs has a slew of tricks planned out for Elmer. Harassment accusations, a message which turns out to be a pie in the face, and the grand finale (which I won't give away).

Somehow, they always come up with something for these cartoons! And believe you me, they come up with something here! You really gotta pity Elmer. Not only is he stuck with Barbara Walters' voice, but he's always the butt of jokes when Bugs is around. That "scwewy wabbit" may have "twicked him for the wast time".
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