Review of Cyberjack

Cyberjack (1995)
Die Hard ripoff with actual funny one liners
29 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The long and the short of this movie is basically Die Hard set in the future. Same cop as hero, same terrorist with one liners, same dumb henchmen, same police squad arriving 20 minutes after the shyt hits the fan. Cyberjack is interesting for this reason alone, if you liked Die Hard you'll kinda like this one.

The plot is a down on his luck ex-cop gets thrust into a hero's role when a terrorist from his past along with unfriendly helpers show up to steal a computer virus. You know the rest, good guy goes through the henchmen before nailing the boss and getting the girl.

Some stuff I should point out. There is one henchmen with a Jamaican accent who smokes and his name is Reef. Not that this is stereotypical or anything.

The one liners from Naseem the bad guy are funny though. "I'm in a room with a bunch of helpless people. In a few moments, one of them is gonna contract a 44 calibur sinus infection!" and "You gonna hand over the virus, or do I have to put a very large hole in your frontal lobe?"

Ripoff but interesting....3 out of 10
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