Ugly cinematography, and painful to sit through
30 May 2005
This film was so terribly BORING. The 'lovers' are boring, insipid losers. Ratso Rizzo was an engaging unforgettable interesting loser. These characters are just flat, cardboard idiots with no reason to be filmed. They deliver almost all of their lines in flat whispers and monotones. The wannabe suspenseful scenes have no suspense... in fact I didn't realize certain scenes were supposed to be suspenseful until I looked back wondering what this movie was even trying to say or do. ALL of the would-be exciting action takes place off-screen. Characters come and go with little explanation. 'Location' scenes in foreign countries have no character or appeal. Really, NOTHING about this film has appeal, except for the obligatory nudity of the lead actress and the wasted looks and acting of the female co-star. The cinematography is grimy, poorly lit black and white. I warn everyone, save your time and your money. This film is UN CHIEN! The audience I saw it with groaned when it ended.
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