Dragnet (1954)
Highly underrated noir film
30 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First, I need to point out that there is hardly any similarity between this film and the television series (both the original of the 1950s and the late 1960s versions of Dragnet). Yes, Jack Webb is playing Sgt. Friday but this film NEVER would have been shown on TV when it was first made--it was way too violent and the dialog was repulsively cool. Snappy dialog is THE reason I watch film noir and this one is among the best. Let's give a few examples: 1. The film begins with some sap betting blown away in a field with a shotgun. When Friday appears later to investigate the crime scene he says: "The first shot cut him in half--the second made him a crowd". Yuck.

2. When Friday completely ignores the Bill of Rights (and all good noir cops MUST ignore the 4, 5 and 6th amendments) by harassing the man he KNOWS committed the crime,he has MANY snappy one liners. In one case, he (for the 6th or 8th time) pulls the man over and frisks him--making him empty out all his pockets. The guy complains that he is being harassed and is tired of it. Then he requests that he get the contents of his pocket back. Friday says "you have the Cadillac--why don't you drive over and get it yourself". Cool, man.

Finally, after badgering this guy through almost the entire movie, the prime suspect literally DIES from being harassed!! Cool.

PS--read the quotes on the title page for this movie--they are INCREDIBLE!
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