Strongbad_email.exe (2004 Video)
more than 100 emails
4 June 2005
I remember yonder go, when the DVD first came out on the website, within a couple of weeks they ran out of stock, i saved up enough money (in $US) to purchase it, and when they said they have their stock replenished, i ordered my dad to help me order it, when telling him what it is that I wanted he kept thinking i wanted a program that could only send 100 emails. In the end I got the DVD, envy spread among friends. But, what I wasn't anticipating was it's awesomeness. It wasn't just the first 100 emails. It contained hidden easter eggs (well, duh, of course they are hidden), audio commentaries, 3 unreleased emails and cartoons, karaoke videos, music videos, behind the scenes footage, 3D generated menus, and it comes complete with it's "impress your friends" packaging. Truly, if anybody is a fan of the series, doesn't matter if you've seen the emails 5000 times each or more (or less), get this freaking DVD. you will not be disappointed, i know i wasn't.
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