The Last Casino (2004 TV Movie)
Canadians CAN make good movies!!
5 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Alright I admit...I have been known to poke fun at "uniquely" Canadian films. This seems to mean that it has to include Beer, Hockey, horrible East Coast accents, boats of some kind, winter, and Native Americans. For the first time EVER I come across an ACTUALLY unique Canadian film, that doesn't force feed the world stereotypes by our own people.

The Last Casino is the story of a gambling addicted card counting University Professor who works for professionals who have been bankrolling him up until his latest Casino catches on to him as a professional and bars him for life. His financial support pulls out and wants their bankroll back but unfortunately Professor Doug Barnes has blown the bankroll on his own racing. Barnes encourages his financiers to give him another shot by training a team of top University Math Students, genius' to count cards and work together to triple the profit. They give him some time to do such. Barnes begins to assemble the best possible team he can find. Elyse, a photographic memory, outspoken, independent and smart. Scott a brilliant Math student who is as smooth as he is brilliant and finally George a nervous, shy but astounding analytical mind. Barnes teaches them everything they need to do from the counting to the disguises and sends them out promising them a 50% split between them which would make them rich. The plan is foolproof until the team starts to slip and Barnes gambling addiction gets worse. When it comes down to it, Barnes will try to double cross the team while paying back his financiers but are they too smart for him??

A truly dark comedy with a unique and talented cast. There were some familiar faces for good measure in the necessary character roles. The freakishly frightening looking Julian Richings as the guy with all the cash and Charles Martin Smith as the pitiful but brilliant Professor Barnes. The kids are the real shining point though. The strangely seductive Katharine Isabelle in a very outspoken role, a strong female lead. Kris Lemche as the cocky Scott who adds a certain amount of male hunk to the film and the comically funny, and yet tragically entertaining George is played by Albert Chung. The three of them, although very different characters play off each other and have a great chemistry as a team. Their constant fights and squabbles show of their differences in character but in the end working together as a team works best. They need each other and the three of them are more loners than they care to admit in different ways. The Last Casino takes you into a very dark, broody, yet flashy world of cards and gambling with an overtone that makes it suspenseful and interesting. It's definitely a good watch for anyone looking for something different and something Canadian with actual Brains for once. 7.5/10
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