Review for Tree of Might
27 May 2005
This film was actually rather entertaining. It was noted as the first scene opened that Ocean group had inputted their own musical score (series music). Which made me dislike the movie in an instant. Yet even though the film did have some extremely corny lines (writer Christopher Neel) and music this side of poor, I still liked it. My brother (19yrs) loves this film. He said it is because you get to see the crew sorta just... hanging out. Mostly referring to the 'coffee at the Sons' scene. Though this film did have points such as that and Goku bathing which was a plus. It had a definite pothole. This was when Turles destroyed the fake moon so he himself would not transform, after Gohan did. Basically that was totally unjustified. Because it is well known that when an Oozuru's light source is extinguished they revert back to their natural Saiya-jin form.

Now this wasn't a mix up in translation which would be okay but an out right what-in-the-hell flaw. The fight scenes were very well done, and Turles would have been perfect but for his voice. It bugged the heck outta me. All scratchy and so forth. I liked how the movie ended though, sure Goku's spirit bomb (genki dama) was a predictable move yet having to form another one in the way he did was a surprise. A very cool animation sequence there. Speaking of animation it was noted to be rather good in this film, compared to the other two previous flicks. I am not sure why, I think because it was set outside, beneath a clouded sky that the characters were often well shaded. It's a worthwhile watch, especially if you're a fan, if you're not... what the hell are you reading this for!
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