BlackJack (2003 TV Movie)
Fast paced Australian maverick cop movie
6 June 2005
I missed the start and the finish, but a generally enjoyed it. I got the impression that it was from an earlier era than 2003. It was atmospheric, but when you thought about it, the plot did not make a lot of sense. That is why I did not watch the finish, I thought the plot had just become a bit fantastic.

I am going to add a bit of padding. I saw it on British TV, late at night, at a time when people are not normally watching TV. I happened to watch it by chance. I found the cars, and the Australian people interesting to watch. Being a cop movie, there was an element of bad language which was quite interesting. Unlike 'Neighbours', most of the characters looked either unwell, or they were unpleasant. A bit like a British cop story. It had a gritty undercurrent of things going terribly wrong even though people were doing their best. The sort of 'human' emotion, ie tragedy, that you do not get in an American cop show.
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