a charming little movie
9 June 2005
This movie was a nice little picture about a group of Asans living in Canada and they all seemed like nice people, despite the differences in how they adapt to living in a new land. The parents are very traditional and want their daughter to marry a traditional Chinese man. I like their portrayal because they want what's best for her and are not ogres. The daughter, who is NOT tradition-bound wants to make her own way in life and resists her parents by "doing her own thing" when they aren't looking.

The acting and writing is excellent, as the story rings true to life. If you like this movie, I strongly recommend EAT, DRINK, MAN WOMAN--a Taiwanese film that covers some of the same ground but seems to do an even better job (if that's even possible!).

NOTE: since first reviewing this movie, I saw BOLLYWOOD/Hollywood. It's another Canadian film but this time instead of focusing on Chinese culture, it concerns Indian culture. It, too, involves the older generations pushing their kids NOT to marry Caucasians but find a nice boy or girl from back home. Very similar and just as wonderful as DOUBLE HAPPINESS. Watch them both!
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