Review of Inseminoid

Inseminoid (1981)
Oh dear, oh dear
9 June 2005
This is quite possibly THE worst film ever committed to celluloid. As mentioned in the other review, to call the actors wooden would be to give them far too much credit. Utterly bland and lifeless performances. The editor was clearly blind, as the film chops from one random scene to another. And the plot? Don't even go there, I could barely work it out at all. Special effects? I ask you? Really. Music? Chortle, chortle. Normally I'll watch rubbish films just for the novelty, but I had to turn this off, it was that bad. I still can't quite believe that all concerned actually let this get released. Utter, utter rubbish!! If you turn the channel over and see it on, then throw your telly out the window!!
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