complete garbage
12 June 2005
I do not consider myself a die hard fan of the anime version of Fist of the North Star, although it does have its moments. This version, though, really shows that sometimes anime needs to stay anime. The acting is terrible. The guy who plays the main character does not capture the essence of Ken from either the animated movie or the manga. The fight scenes are weak, even for a b-movie like this. I do not expect a live-action version to capture the graphic brutality of the anime, but this movie does no justice to the original idea of these super-human martial artists. In the end what really kills the movie is that is too buried in cheap, live-action reality. Where the anime and manga transport you to a post-apocalyptic world that is both disturbing and fantastic, this movie always feels tied into shoddy sets and lame costumes. Save yourself any money you might waste on this movie (which is not much considering the movie can be found for a few bucks in bargain bins everywhere) and dig up the anime for a real treat, as well as an attack on the senses.
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