The 47 Ronin (1941)
Not really about the Ako Vendetta
16 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This story is a retelling of the famous Ako Vendetta of 1702 when 46 men + 1 honorary member, stormed into Lord Kira Kouzukenosuke's Edo mansion slaying him as an act of vengeance for their Lord Asano Takuminokami. Although not all of the details are known specifically about the actual event aside from a handful of eye-witness accounts, I felt that this movie does not do it justice and is far from being Mizoguchi's best work. Unlike other stories based on the Ako Vendetta such as Inagaki's "Chushingura hana no maki, yuki no maki" (2 parts), and even the puppet play "Kanadehon Chuushingura" from the mid 1700s, (still preformed today) this film does not put enough emphasis on why Lord Asano had assaulted Lord Kira and instead puts its focus entirely on the loyalty of the 47 involved ronin. The film relies entirely on loyalty without question and never brings into play the morality of the vengeance or the justification of the avenged. Essentially what we are seeing is a typical war-time film where the focus is on its propaganda. Later films, such as Inagaki's aforementioned work, spends more time on portraying Lord Kira as a villain, thus justifying the act of vengeance. However, that does not hurt the film, it actually enhances it. Understanding that this film is the result of the Japanese government's interference with the war-time film industry allows you to look at it in a completely different light.

If you are looking for an accurate portrayal of the Ako Vendetta, you will not find it here. The film is long winded and dry, despite having some of the most convincing and impressive acting ever. If you can put aside its near 4 hour length and objectively look into its war-time mentality, I find that watching this film can be a rewarding look into Japan's history. You can find an old story, retold, and transfixed with WWII ideals.
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