Father Murphy (1981–1983)
Good during its first season but its second seemed rushed.
20 June 2005
I love that show. Season 1 was great because of great directors taking their turns in various episodes,including Mickael Landon himself and Victor French. The writing was top notch too,very sweet and engaging stories that never forgot to be funny as well. The show had even its own villain that was ,beleive it or not, even more evil than ms Oleson but in a funny kind of way.

but season 2 was just a disaster,characters were out of place,their was no more sense of danger that Father Murphy will be unmasked and that was a big loss as I just ended up not caring anymore. Allso Michael Landon stopped writing or directing for the show,that was a big loss in itself as he wrote and directed the best episodes of season 1. No wonder it got canceled in its second season because the people that created the show in the first place didn't seem to care about it anymore.
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