explanation of bad score - really an excellent movie
19 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is vague to avoid spoilers, but the nature of the bad votes is because the movie's message and depth is beyond the average viewer, especially when considering many of IMDb's voters won't be watching this in it's native language, so the already purposely puzzling Mystery/Thriller aspects of the story coupled with the unique message concerning the title, The Scarlet Letter, could cause confusion with either plot thread, making the movie unsuccessful to that viewer. About the title, it should make sense after the last 5-10 minutes of the movie and is probably not what most people would think after watching the prior 95% OR being familiar with the original Scarlet Letter.

Give this whole movie a chance, feel free to talk it out with friends during the movie (it is a mystery) and be...moved or awed at the end. For a mood, be ready for a darker ending than most movies (not the same dark as say Arlington Road though). It wraps up well and should leave you feeling OK.

10/10. The movie really achieves what it aspired for and remains thoughtful in a usually "for entertainment only" genre (murder/mystery).

perfect ending song too, reminiscent of Oldboy (2004). otherwise low-key soundtrack that is well done. Don't let the Korenglish song sung early on by 1 character put you off.
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