Wonderful movie!!
25 June 2005
I rented this movie just because it was about Cajuns and I thought it might be somewhat interesting. Little did I know that it would become one of my all time favorite movies. I kept it for two weeks and watched it 5 times. (This is why I love renting DVDs online... no due date!!! )

This movie is educational, inspirational, adventurous, suspenseful, and very romantic!! I learned about the trials and tribulations the Cajuns had to endure. I was inspired by the loyalty and integrity of the characters. I was excited by the action and intrigued by the mystery. By the end of the movie, I was in love... with Belizaire and the Cajuns.

The movie is actually a love story/ murder mystery; however, it is also about the discrimination and hatred the Cajuns had to endure. It is about their lifestyle, culture, and even gives you a delicious taste of Cajun music. I have a friend that is a Cajun from Houma, Louisiana and she says that it is very authentic and true to the Cajun's history.

Last, but certainly not least, I must mention Belizaire himself. For all you ladies out there.... He is INCREDIBLE!! He is handsome, gentle, romantic, passionate, humorous and plays one heck of an accordion!! I would allow him to be my "healer" anytime!! *grin*

I do not buy many movies because once I have seen them a time or two I usually lose interest. This is one that I will be adding to my collection though. It is not often that you come across a movie of this high quality. AND it is a movie the entire family can watch. My 11 year old daughter watched it with me and liked it too. (although not as much as I did) Let me finish by saying that I STRONGLY recommend this movie to anyone who appreciates an intelligent and entertaining storyline.
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