Street Girls (1975)
Fans of sleazy 1970s exploitation will love it
25 June 2005
Future top-notch director Barry Levinson co-wrote this sleazy quickie about a "moralistic" father (who is homophobic yet enjoys strip clubs) searching for his runaway daughter amid a world of prostitution, heroin abuse, and strip club dancing, in all of which she is involved. On the way, he encounters cross-dressers, violent pimps, and his daughter's fellow hookers.

Tons of nudity and seedy characters populate this flick. The acting ranges from decent to hammy; it's hardly surprising that only a couple of the cast members made a single film before or after this one.

Paul Schrader must have seen this before writing the markedly similar HARDCORE (released in 1978), but his version was a definite improvement.

This one was enjoyable for the gratuitous female nudity, little entertainment otherwise.

MPAA: Rated R for abundant nudity, language, drug use, a sex scene, and a couple scenes of violence.
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