Tool: Salival (2000 Video)
Worth any price to have these videos on DVD
27 June 2005
It's unfortunate that Adam Jones has conjured up just a small number of videos to accompany his bands musical tracks (6 in total). While Tool's music has certainly gotten more eccentric, their videos have always been more abstract than the music itself. I would have never been able to think up the visuals Jones created for the Undertow tracks, which seem almost TOO bizarre and surreal for those songs. However they both end up complimenting each other so well, I can't recommend people see their videos. It's a damn shame they're so short, it's also even more discouraging that Adam Jones hasn't just made a full length, with a soundtrack to his film by the aid of his own band. I remember seeing the Sober and Prison Sex videos around 93 / 94 and I was highly captivated by the very similar stop motion style of Jan Svankmajer. Adam Jones seems particularly inspired by his surrealistic interpretation of "Alice in Wonderland", called "Alice" or "Neco z Alenky". If you are a fan of the disturbing, nightmarish stop motion creativity of Jones, it's a sure bet you'd be a fan of Svankmajer's works, especially "Alice" and "Faust". These videos are classics and highly recommended.
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