Erm.....could you run the plot by me again one more time?!
28 June 2005
This is one of the very best of the many cut and splice ninja outings as cobbled together by those legendary cinematic rascals Joseph Lai and Godfrey Ho.

What can I say? This is absolutely mental!!!!!!!!! It truly has to be one of the most unfathomable, illogical and downright demented films I have ever had the pleasure (and confusion) to sit through!

The plot in this is without doubt the most bizarrely complex and muddled I have ever witnessed in any film!

The ending especially, when Maurice the evil ninja explains 'the beauty' of his plan (complete with a maniacal laugh!) is completely and utterly baffling and I frankly defy anyone to follow it without rewinding the scene a good few times in order to take it in!

Needless to say, Donald, our ninja hero played by always welcome genre regular Bruce Baron, is mightily peeved upon learning the villain's evil scheme (and no doubt also by his bewildering recounting of it!) and challenges him to a climatic battle which just has to be seen to be believed!

This film is about as crazy as they come and is all the more fun for it although be warned, it may well induce severe brain damage!!!
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