Fine drama loses steam in second half
2 July 2005
A highly original idea and script and a top-notch cast make this worth seeing. James Stewart (the most underrated of American male stars), Marlene Dietrich, and Glynis Johns all shine in their roles. No "star" showboating here, just fine, detailed, thoughtful, intelligent acting all round.

The first half of the film is quite gripping, centering on passengers aboard an airplane that may or may not be doomed to crash. It's so suspenseful that the film's talky second half drags in places and is a bit of a let-down. Two romantic subplots fizzle and the story turns into a fairly dry parable about a "detached" scientist's need to connect more directly with the people in his life. The trouble is, this conflict isn't very original and always seems more theoretical than dramatically compelling.

Not a good idea to switch genres mid-film from gripping suspense to talky domestic drama! Maybe the reverse would have been more effective???

Still, the movie works overall and deserves much credit for its unusual subject matter (standards of proof in science, and safety issues in transportation), its often incisive writing, and its excellent cast.

Recommended for all audiences.
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