Mediocre Mystery
4 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
** Major Spoiler Warning** Currently available as part of a DVD double feature with the excellent "The Scar", this British mystery flick featuring Lloyd Bridges is moderately enjoyable, but takes forever to set up its premise (45 minutes out of an 80 minute movie) and the ending is preposterous, negating the entire story. (Think a certain season of "Dallas" with Bobby Ewing in the shower and you'll get the idea.) Although this is sold as film noir on the DVD, it doesn't really fit the genre. For me, noir is about finding a moral center in a morally ambiguous world. There's none of that here, none of the atmospherics, just a straight-up who done it/why done it. It borrows a page or two from "The Third Man" but is far less effective.

If you pick up the DVD, "The Scar" is well worth your time, but this one is pretty pale by comparison.
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